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We Honor Our Commitments | One Day 2021

By January 19, 2021April 12th, 2022Agency, Coaching, Leadership, Team

Jami walks us through the importance of honoring our commitments, this is a key way for us to build trust and represent the character of Jesus well.


Who We Continue To Be | One Day 2021

| Coaching, Leadership, Team | No Comments
As we continue to clarify what our mission is, and how we move towards this mission, we take some time to look back at who we are and who we…

Session 02b: Dale and Jill on Connecting with Advocates and the National Team

| Coaching, Team | No Comments
As a national team, we love to support advocates as they do the hard work of meeting the needs of the foster care community. But we also desire to connect…

The Role of Church Partnership

| Church, Coaching, Leadership | No Comments
What role does the church play? How do we engage churches effectively in the future? Sometimes, it can become challenging to cast a vision with church partners because they have…