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In-Kind Donation Receipt Request Tutorial

If your TFI Ministry has received a charitable gift in which, instead of giving money to buy needed goods and services, the goods and services themselves are given, submit the form below so that the donation can be verified. A receipt can then be created and mailed directly to the donor.


Email Signature Template Tutorial

| Resources, Tutorials/Training | No Comments
We want all our ministry leaders to have the same uniform email signature. Follow along with Quinn as he walks you through setting up your email signature.

Landing Page Training Webinar

| Resources, Tutorials/Training | No Comments
Many times, managing and using a website can feel daunting. But did you know there is a proven strategy and method for increasing engagement in your ministry online? The best…

The Backend and Frontend Editors Explained

| Resources, Tutorials/Training | No Comments
WordPress can be confusing, in this Tutorial Mitch walks us through the difference between the frontend and backend Wordpress editors.